Our Products Available for Online Purchase:
Our Products Available for Local Purchase:
We also have fresh eggs, meat, flowers and livestock available only for local purchase. Please contact us for additional details.
All of our animals are raised on our regenerative farm, rebuilding the life of the soil and farm ecosystem. They move around the land and have a diverse diet.
Contact Christina Lind at 605-230-0197 or christina.lind@bluedasher.farm for local orders.

Sheep: We have a locally adapted mixed breed of "easy care" hair sheep that we have bred over the last 6 years to thrive here on Blue Dasher Farm in eastern South Dakota. They excel at living on our native and naturalized prairie-pasture habitat year-round, with little intervention needed for a healthy flock.
We have ewes, lambs, wethers and proven rams available to expand or start your own flock. Contact us for more info, what's currently available and upcoming!

KuneKune pigs: We have raised KuneKune pigs for almost 3 years now, and have really enjoyed this breed! They are gentle to care for, gentle on the land, and graze or eat hay as nearly their entire diet, supplemented very little with grain. Our sow farrows and cares for her young easily on her own and has needed no medical intervention, worming or medicine to stay healthy here on our rotational pastures. Our boar is equally hardy and adapted to our conditions. They even thrive in our bitterly cold winters with a simple shelter, when they disappear into piles of straw. Consider adding these to your farm if you want a low-maintenance, low-cost, enjoyable pig breed!
We have 1 female piglet available for purchase, ready to add to your own farm!